TIRPOR gallery select

Flamingo eye


Andrew Cockburn photography

May 2024: website under reconstruction and your experience may vary !


Gallery links

These links should take you to JAlbum galleries, but then they may not :)


Copyright Information

You are welcome to download images from my galleries for your own personal use. As a courtesy I would appreciate it if you would let me know if are using one of my images. Please note these images are mine and I reserve all rights. All images on this web site marked "Copyright TIRPOR" or labelled with my name "Andrew Cockburn" are protected under US and International copyright laws and are the sole property of TIRPOR and Andrew Cockburn. All use and/or publication rights are reserved worldwide. All such images are not in the Public Domain. Other than for personal non-commercial use, no such images represented on this web site may be copied, stored, manipulated, published, sold or reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of an authorized representative of TIRPOR or Andrew Cockburn. We will gladly assist you in any image needs from this site.